“Correct personnel decisions have a decisive influence on business success. Often they are made on an inadequate basis.”


Organisation and team development

High-performance teams and organisations don’t appear out of the blue. But the quality of work in companies, their financial results as well as their reputation amongst clients, employees and stakeholders highly correlate on the quality of their organisational set-up and existing co-operation model.

In essence an organizations task is to make decisions and to effectively put them into practice. 80% of the issues lie the implementation process and the cohesion among the people making up the organization.


How to build efficient teams and organisations

How do you build your teams? Do you maintain the structure that has developed over time? Just build upon existing structures? Or do you define your organisational structure top-down from the Executive Board room?

Strategy realization fails in 80% of the cases because of flaws in the implementation process and lack of trust and cooperation. Main root causes usually being sub-optimal team and organisation set-ups and because strategic decisions are being made without the involvement of the front-line business. In addition, in most organisations there is a dominant tendency to underestimate the cooperation between the individual functions.

Both, start-ups and international corporations, are dealing with these success critical questions. Today boundaries within organizations are beginning to blur. In the past the focus was on economies of scale and efficiency games, whilst the transformation process of the last twenty years indicates a clear development towards outsourcing of business processes into shared service centres or sub-contractors. The boundaries between production and consumption as well as between work and private life are eroding. Work taking place anywhere and mixing with private life can on the one hand be perceived as enriching and fun, and as a threat and evil on the other.


The Corporate structures of the future

Big corporations follow financially driven portfolio decisions, M&A as well as Joint Ventures are important parts of their growth strategy. Digitalisation and virtualisation transform organisations towards the future where a big part of data and processes will be outsourced into the cloud.

 Employment is transforming into new and more flexible ways of working, for example as Gig Workers or freelancers do. The core organisation is getting smaller, focusing mainly on strategy, customer relationships and performance management.  

The big waves of change often don’t reach the individual employee, who - by his account - often does not feel part of these developments, leaving him feeling listless and unproductive.

 A strong organisation with a committed team

Bringing your organisation and your employees together again is the key to success. Together let’s analyse your organisational structures and teams, developing tailor-made solutions for your company and business model.
